Sunday, 16 December 2012

Things Got Switched

Why am I passionate about women’s causes?  I have been taught/have observed that women have an innate ability to deal with power, that it is their birthright to be powerful.  I believe that for women not to become powerful in their chosen field in any given lifetime suppresses the potential of both men and women.  I believe that the history of the suppression of the power of women has led to the current state of warfare, imbalance and poverty on the Earth.

Suppression and misrepresentation of the power of women is still the predominant global situation, but the situation is changing.  Ha!  Men and women should rejoice over this!  It is good news for everyone.
Attitudes change first, and the numbers will change later.  I see the work of talented younger woman focusing on socially responsible causes; the growth of powerful grant-giving groups like the Global Fund for Women; the work of the Pachamama Alliance representing the needs of Mother Earth; Hillary as Secretary of State; women leaders in spiritual communities and much, much more.

Yet we have so far to go.  “Miss Representation.”  All men and women should see this film.  It shows the misrepresentation of women in the media, the powerful negative impact this had on all of us (most visibly  in teenagers).  It touches on history in a striking overview of all-male leaders in the United States and the fight for basic rights for women.   The filmmaker, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, was able to interview many women from divergent backgrounds ranging from Condoleeza Rice to Nanci Pelosi, and a range of women in media.  Men are also filmed, discussing their experience of women’s roles in media and government.
The punchline of the film is absolutely accurate.  “You cannot be what you cannot see.”

Kids today (Generation C — connected) spend 10 hours a day immersed in various forms of media.  If all forms of media, from video games to film to cable, do not honor and acknowledge powerful women for their capability and brains, then what is left?  Brain dead bimbos?  Men who wield power and decision-making and women with insane bodies following along?  This is biologically and energetically wrong.  Untrue and detrimental to both genders.

I have been taught/have observed that men are innately suited for love and humility.  It is their highest and most effortless path.  Women are most innately and ideally suited to handle power.  It is their highest and most effortless path.

Somewhere in the last few thousand years, things got switched.

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